Aerial Blogs
Aerial loops, strops, and ropes for rigging
An introductory guide to our soft rigging equipment A guide on the most popular soft rigging equipment for all your aerial needs! Key terms: WLL - Working Load Limit, the...
How to choose your aerial equipment
CHOOSING EQUIPMENT With so many different options out there it can be confusing for beginners or parents to know what is the right purchase for them or their child. This...
Aerial Rigging 101: How To Rig Single & Zero Point Aerial Hoops
Hoop Rigging Welcome to a series of articles on aerial rigging, supported by videos from Circus Rigging & Safety, sponsored by Firetoys. Today, we're looking at how you can best...
How we build Aerial Hoops
All of our aerial hoops are built according to high standards and tested to destruction on a regular basis. Each type of hoop has a Working Load Limit (WLL) based...
Aerial Hoop Taping service
When you're buying a new Firetoys aerial hoop, we can tape it for you! The primary reason is to add grip. When you're on a hoop working up a sweat, the last thing you want to worry about is slippery hands.
Aerial – Practicing at home vs at a studio
Learning on your own vs in a studio As more and more people get into aerial and circus the more resources are being made to support these people. Resources...
How to Tape an Aerial Hoop
Most aerial hoops, aka lyras, require tape to be applied to them. The primary reason for this is to improve the grip of the hoop and stop your clothes from...
What Size Aerial Hoop Do I Need?
Getting the right size lyra, aka aerial hoop, is important not just so you're comfortable but to keep you safe as well. Figuring out what size aerial hoop you should...